Sunday 28 April 2013

Adaptive Tissue Responses

When tissues are damaged, cell injury will occur. This injury can be reversible up to a point but if the harmful stimulus is too severe, the cell will die. Sometimes, the cell doesn’t die, but adapts to the stimulus in order to survive. In order to do this, the tissue uses Adaptive Tissue Responses, such as atrophy, hyperplasia, hypertrophy and metaplasia (we’ll be covering these in this post).

Adaptive changes are reversible changes (however, some pathological conditions can prevent this from happening) in mature cells and tissues after growth has occurred. The ability of a tissue to adapt is dependent on several factors including: vulnerability to certain agents, state of differentiation, blood supply, nutrition, and previous state of the cell (i.e. is it trying to adapt to another harmful stimulus?).


Atrophy is defined as a reduction in the size or amount of an organ, tissue or cell. This is due to a decrease in the size and/or number of its specialised cells or organelles. Atrophy may be physiological (for example: when the thymus decreases in size with age) or pathological (e.g. Disuse atrophy).

Several causes of atrophy exist, these include:
o    Decreased blood supply
o    Loss of innervation: normal function of skeletal muscle depends on intact innervation. Damage to a nerve leads to rapid muscle atrophy of those muscle fibres supplied by the nerve.
o    Decreased workload: e.g. skeletal muscle atrophy occurs soon after a broken limb is immobilised in a cast.
o    Prolonged pressure: chronic tissue compression will result in atrophy of the surrounding tissues that have been compressed. This is likely due to the ischaemic change caused by the compressed blood vessels and lower blood supply to the area. E.g. A tumour that slowly enlarges will cause atrophy of the surrounding compressed tissues.
o    Loss of hormonal/endocrine stimulation: many endocrine glands depend on hormonal stimulation for normal metabolism and function. Interruption of these signals results in atrophy. This is seen in the testes of males who take anabolic steroids.
o    Physiological: This is a common occurrence in early development as well as later in life.
o    Lack of nutrition: Significant protein and energy malnutrition will result in catabolism of the skeletal muscle after other stores of energy in the body have been exhausted. This results in muscle wasting.
o    Senile atrophy: The aging process is associated with tissue and organ atrophy due to the loss of cells. This is mainly seen in cells made up of predominantly permanent cell populations.

 A loss of cells in atrophy is due to an increase in apoptosis while a decrease in the size of cells is due to an increase in catabolic processes relative to anabolic processes.


Hypertrophy is the opposite of atrophy and results in an increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to an increase in size of its specialised cells. Hypertrophy doesn’t result in more cells, just larger ones. The increase in size is due to an increase in the number of organelles within the cells. It is often seen in cells that have an increased workload but aren’t able to divide.  

Hypertrophy may be physiological or pathological and is either compensatory or hormonal. An example of compensatory hypertrophy is seen when a kidney is removed from an animal or when there is increased workload in cardiac or skeletal muscle. This type of atrophy tries to achieve homeostasis. An example of hormonal atrophy is during pregnancy which causes hypertrophy of the uterus.

Hypertrophy can be triggered by mechanical or trophic stimuli, such as growth factors, hormones and cytokines. The mechanism of hypertrophy involves signal transduction pathways which lead to the induction of many genes which in turn stimulate the synthesis of many cellular proteins which results in an increase in organelles and size.


Hyperplasia is the increase in the size of an organ due to an increase in the number of its specialised cells. It too, may be due to physiological or pathological causes and it can only occur in stable or labile cell types. Physiological and pathological hyperplasia can be further categorised as follows:
o    Compensatory: E.g. haematopoietic system after blood loss, lymph nodes after infection.
o    Reparatory: to restore tissue architecture or function
o    Hormonal: e.g. normal cyclical changes in the mammary gland or endometrium.
This condition is usually caused by increased local production of growth factors, increased levels of growth factor receptors on the responding cells, or activation of specific intracellular signalling pathways. These changes result in the production of transcription factors which switch on various genes which ultimately results in cellular proliferation.


Metaplasia results in a change from one type of specialised, fully differentiated adult cell to another type of stem cell (that is usually less specialised). This is a protective mechanism as the cell is replaced with another type of cell that is more suitable to withstand the stressor. In this process, some functions are lost. It involves the reprogramming of stem cells by cytokines, growth factors and extracellular matrix components. The cells themselves don’t magically change into different cells. Instead, the stem cells are told to differentiate into a type of cell that they normally wouldn’t. An example of metaplasia is connective tissue metaplasia. This is when cartilage, bone or adipose tissue form in organs that do not normally contain these cells.

That’s all for this post, see you next time :)

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